This is not sour grapes at all, I am as critical evenly, Obama did deport more people than any present (for now, I feel that record may get broke but thus I digress) for me, this is not a win/loss. I didn't like any of the candidates honestly, it was like voting for the lesser of the evils,
How many times was Obama called Muslim or not born in America or anything related? There are those who have were guilty of that and people who stood up and made statements against that were called sympathizers or guilt by association. Again, not directed at you Paula, making a statement based on yours and not calling you wrong, simply countering.
Why are there protests? Because this elected official is doing and proposing dangerous things, more than any other. Its not just me. Or left siders, several GOP members are stating it and he didn't even follow procedures as he was supposed to. -He did not talk to the Congressional committee on immigration reform I believe, or the Judicial branch (based on stories I've read in multiple media outlets) He is a loose cannon, he is still name calling like a 4th grader (Fake Tears Schumer)
-He is the only elected leader of the US never to have held ay political office or military experience (yes, I know in this election only one but that applies to Eisenhower and Grant) and it is showing. Obama had 12 yrs public office, I believe less than 4 on the national level.
-He is going to be a representative of our countries that may disagree with him (Mexico for example) is he going to go on Twitter on call them names too? That makes me uncomfortable, Kim Jong Un? Have to be careful, he has an itchy trigger finger and nuclear capability.
-He has openly made derogatory statements against handicapped, Mexicans, degraded women beyond reproach, had lawsuits for discriminatory practices against African-Americans (DoJ from earlier on).
-He wants to build said wall without having a backup plan, well okay possibly raise export taxes on Mexico to "make them pay" despite twice being told no by Nieto
-He acts without consulting first. That's a dangerous policy. Dictators have past shown that kind of behavior, I am not calling him one. Yet. He's not on that road but some of his actions are making people make comparisons. Some exaggerated, some not.
-The ban, is not thought out well. Initially as it was written, it was to detain green card holding citizens. Courts grant stays, he says its going great. Look in the streets, these are your constituents. Whether voting for him or not, like him or not, criticizing him or not, he has to act like a leader over everyone not just the ones that agree with him. Republicans, Democrats, Right, Left, Independent, Conservative, Liberal, if they disagree with him and vocalize it, he name calls or makes slanderous statements (father killed JFK?). That is petulant.
Why protests? Besides those, how about this. The 19th Amendment, The Civil Rights Act, hell even the Boston Tea Party, came about in a large part or at least lighting the fire from "the individual right or ability of people to come together and collectively express, promote, pursue, and defend their ideas"
Now, on the hypocritical aspect, everyone is discriminatory in some way be it consciously or without even realizing it. Personally from observing and experiencing it, it comes from ignorace pre judging many based on one. Are we perfect as a people? No definitely not. No one is, but as a people it is our duty to question our leaders and their actions since like it or not, he is the College elected leader of these States of America. Yes, we all can exhibit tendencies for what we are critiquing him for but also he is the highest power in the land/world. He's held to a higher standard. And right now, he is still treating American like a reality show with Monopoly money and its going to take a toll. Not maybe, is. Sociologically, he is a social agitator. He whips people into a frenzy of properly placed buzzwords. He says what certain people want to hear. To quote John Oliver on this "We've either elected a president who doesn't mean what he says or one that did" He scares people into backing him.
He needs to learn and act more like a leader. If he has ideas, he needs to think before he acts and promises. He's already backpedalling on the ACA for one and others. There is no learning curve. This is real and he still seems he does then thinks. That is unsafe and these are not perceptions honestly.
Closing with a quote regarding protests and questioning from the articulate pen of Aaron Sorkin." I’m a citizen; this is my President. And in this country it is not only permissible to question our leaders, it’s our responsibility!” I defended my country for these rights, I spent time amongst the very people who are lumped together into one Executive Order. This scares me. This polarization, more than anytime in history, is threatening to split the nation. California is working towards ceceding (need signatures to get on 2018 ballot). What does this say?
Thank you and know that I respect your thoughts on the matter. I may disagree on some aspects but I respect as I do anyone and in the words of Evelyn Hall " I may disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it"
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