I do my
best to stay and post positive or at least non-negative things (about my life
and in general hence few politic themed things). Stress and negativity is bad
figuratively for my mental state and literally as it aggravates my disease. And
I do, for the most part. But keeping it inside can also be stressful so, like a
volcano, things can only build up so long before they come erupting out.
Venting/ranting/dumping is cathartic and necessary. So if you're looking for
sunshine, rainbows and lollipops, you should skim down to cat videos or cutesy
self-pics. This ain't for you. Move along.
No beating around the bush. No unnecessary filler. Just plain and simple and stripped of excess wordiness.
- I am sick and
tired of being sick and tired
- I am sick of not
being taken seriously
- I am tired of no
one having answers or being dismissive
- I abhor being
condescended to and treated like a child
- I am a
knowledgeable, intelligent adult and I have earned and deserve to be
treated as such
- I would rather
hear the brutal truth rather than a sanitized, vanilla frosting covered
version of it
Just be
honest. Just be forward and just give me the respect that I deserve and have
earned. I know my body. I know there’s something wrong. Unlike Nathan
Jessup’s statement, I CAN handle truth. Give me time and attention I deserve
and have earned in my 46 years. Is that too much to ask? Answers,
honesty, seriousness. It’s so simple to do and honor and right now, when my
body is betraying me the most, it’s what I need.
· If you don’t know, tell me and tell me someone who might
· If you do know, tell me. I can take it
It’s such a simple concept really. One of the many great things about children is that they will be honest and ask the questions that grown-ups are sometimes afraid to. If they think it, they’ll say it. They have not been tainted or jaded by real life. It’s too bad that some adults fail to grasp that concept.
Answers. Honesty. Sincerity, Respect. Simple words, simple concepts. As Nike© says says: Just do it.
Jerry’s life lesson #4377, learn it, know it, live it. There, now I feel a little better throwing the bucket of ice water truth. And for anyone who thinks I’m spewing negatively which will just stress me more, the opposite is true. It is out there and out of my system and I’m moving forward. I have survived a lot in my life. I am stubborn, I am a fighter and I will get through this too. Just watch me.
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