last rant before all of this goes down..
Vote today. Please. Regardless of who it is for, please do so. I fought and defended your right to do so and I've also been to places and met people who didn't have that freedom. At this point in the game, most of us have made some important decisions about tomorrow; first and foremost whether or not you're going to vote which cascades into who you are going to vote for. This late in the game the number of undecideds is minimal and those who are have an idea but are still the tiniest bit indecisive.
The odds are your decision is made is made up, any of my adoring fans, family and friends are well aware of my proclivities as they are with those close to them thanks to the boon/bane of social media. But my main message at this point is to just please go and vote. In the grand scheme and in most years its more important THAT you vote for rather than WHO you vote for...stay with me
We are a country built on conflict, if everyone agreed on everything then surprisingly little would get done because its out of resolution that we gain knowledge, build bonds and even learn about ourselves and society. I don't agree with you..fine, you don't agree with me, fine. I respect your right to do that as much I hope you respect mine. But all of our voices should and must be heard and elections are how that happens.
I feel that American's in the past took the election process for granted and didn't realize the power of their vote “I'm a Republican in California, why bother voting for President, I'm a Democrat in Mississippi, its already pre decided anyway so why does my vote matter. Its simple. Because you're exercising a freedom that many places in the world do not have and I didn't truly appreciate what that freedom was until I lived in a society where it wasn't.
We have a CHOICE but our choices don't have to agree. We are going to conflict as I try to talk you over to my side and vice-versa but in the end we both get the same ballot, we both make our selections and once submitted we add our voice into the national roll call because we can and because it really DOES matter.
In my opinion, we have the chance to rectify an injustice that began 1383 days ago and I ask you simply to consider where we were then and where we are now when doing so. Let's not repeat the mistake made 4 years ago, this country that I love and fought for cannot afford to. Thank you for indulging...I'm off to vote. See you on the other side.