Tuesday, July 23, 2013

The Biggest Part of Me

My mother always tells me to keep my positive outlook on things when I post or talk about the negative aspects of this disease and I’d like to think that for the most part I do my best to do just that.

When I get those dull throbbing aches, I counter with a slice of my time-sharpened witticisms about my past experiences.

When I get those blinding, burning pains, I counter with insightful, humorous anecdotes.

When I get those stabbing, uncomfortable pains, I shoot my mouth off about my controversial views on current events in relation to my life.

I have always used humor as a defense mechanism in dealing with emotionally heavy situations. Just ask anyone who knows me. Life itself is one long, fun ride with a few serious but necessary curves and bumps. I believe that one of my purposes on this planet is to do what I can, using what I’ve lived through and what I’ve learned, to try and bring as many smiles and much happiness as I can. I feel as if I’ve lived 3 lifetimes in my 45 years (including at least one since my diagnosis) and I have been through (and survived) a lot. Life has knocked me down several times and even out a couple of them. But I have gotten back up every time. I am a fighter and this is an aspect of my life when my stubbornness actually can work in my favor (no matter how much it may frustrate my dear loving mother) and I’d like to think that I am one of the most resilient people that you will ever meet.

So remember:
1.       When you see me complain about having a bad day with this horrible illness.
2.       Or when I talk about being in pain from it or nauseous from all the pain medications that I take.
3.       Or when I exhibit my frustration in any number of ways that I was given this rare disease possibly of my own, possibly not. Doesn’t matter.
4.       Or on those days where I am down, physically and/or mentally weakened enough that I cannot or am not be myself, I have the best, most amazing network of friends and loved ones who are too numerous to name here, to pick me up and support me until I get back on my feet.

Remember that I will bounce back. Like MacArthur I will return. Like George Carlin I will crack a joke, or make tasteful, good-natured jokes or observations at people or society. Like Jon Stewart, I will give you sarcasm or a humor laden commentary on current events that affects us all.

Remember this. Like the phoenix, I will rise again. And I will keep rising every time. I have a tough road ahead of me, I know that.  But I will not let it get me down. I will not let it control me. I will not let it define who I am.

Hey Biff, you dirty, unwelcome, uninvited bastard. I dare you to bring it on bitch. I am not afraid you. . I am bigger than you. I am stronger than you and I always will be. And I will always fight with everything that I have an am. You cannot and will not take that from me. With my inner fortitude and the support of my friends and loved ones, I will overcome. Always

The Final Countdown

One last rant before all of this goes down.. Vote today. Please. Regardless of who it is for, please do so. I fought and defended your right...